Posts tagged women in business
Your Value & Visibility

You might be new to your business. You might think that you need to lose weight, but is that really going to change anything?

It might change the way you look on camera, or in a photograph, but is that going to really change you on the inside? No, not really.

I think one of the main challenges of being visible is owning your own value - knowing that you are enough right now, because you are enough.

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Nurture Your Visibility

What are you planting in your business and can visibility be a part of that?

And once you've planted something, how do you nurture it?

I know I have friends out there who plant their garden on Tuesday and on Wednesday they run out to see if the plant has come up and bloomed yet. They don't literally pull the plants out by the roots, but they're like, “Are you done yet?”

That’s not the best way to nurture your business, yourself, and your visibility.

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It's Not About You!

I'm here to talk to you about Mindset for Visibility and our topic today is, it's not about you.

It looks like it's about you, but it's not about you.

What am I talking about? I'm talking about your business, your business isn't about you. Your business is what comes through you, to benefit other people. It comes through your talents, your gifts, your experience, and your knowing what you have experienced and grown through during your life. What you want to share with others so they don't have to suffer, or struggle, or go through the same challenges you did.

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Does Fear of Being Pushy Stop You?

Hi, I'm Adele Michael and welcome to Mindset for Visibility. I just had a birthday so I lit up the birthday unicorn. I'm going to make a wish for all of us. My wish is that we all be happily more visible in our business this year.

Let me blow it out. It wasn't a big number. It wasn't a zero number. It's a bigger number than it was last year but we're still here.

So, I have been talking to you about the fear triangle and these are the top three fears that I've heard people talk about when they talk about not wanting to be visible in their business.

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Does Fear of Rejection Stop You?

Today we're going to talk about, does the fear of rejection stop you. I work with women coaches, consultants, and service providers. Basically women who earn their own money through their own efforts not working for someone else. Usually they're very passionate about what they're doing, which can make it even more difficult to share their work.

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How to Face Visibility

I've talked about the fears that we have about facing visibility, about really being the face of our business and showing up in our marketing, and in our sales process as someone who offers value, delivers value, and who wants to contribute to their clients.

I've talked about what's at stake with visibility or staying invisible. Today I'd like to talk to you about some of the factors that I see that are required to face visibility. I don't want you to think that I've always been really willing to be visible, because I haven't. I told you the story about not wanting to be on camera or on videos. I made a 180 switch because I saw that I had to.

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Why Face Visibility?

Welcome to Mindset for Visibility, a new focus in my business. It is designed to help women coaches consultants and service providers stop avoiding marketing and sales and become the face of their business in a way that feels authentic and true to them.

Today I want to talk about why face visibility. What's the payoff for doing something that's scary and really not as attractive as facing visibility?

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