Nurture Your Visibility

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What are you planting in your business and can visibility be a part of that?

 And once you've planted something, how do you nurture it?

I know I have friends out there who plant their garden on Tuesday and on Wednesday they run out to see if the plant has come up and bloomed yet. They don't literally pull the plants out by the roots, but they're like, “Are you done yet?”

 That’s not the best way to nurture your business, yourself, and your visibility. 

Although we don't actually water our business or put it in the sunshine, we nurture it through our kindness to ourselves. 

“Warm awareness” is a phrase I just heard in an Audible book about money.  If you're like most people, money can bring up a lot of shame and self-doubt. This author is saying, “Give yourself warm awareness, not blame or shame, as you think about and become more mindful with your money”. 

When we translate that to you, how can you bring warm awareness to your business and your visibility?

Maybe you're aware that you're a little shy to push the button to send out that email, make a video, or be on social media. 

There’s no need for judgment. There's always an avenue for growth. 

You can ask yourself, “Where is my growing edge?”

What can you plant in your mind and nurture through your actions this spring to increase your visibility?

If warm awareness is like the sun, the fertilizer is kindness. Kindness to yourself will grow you further, faster, and better than self-judgment ever could. 

We've talked about judgment here before. You may be afraid that if you get visible, you will be judged. The way we've been trained in this culture is to be very judgmental, so it’s natural to follow that pattern—unless you begin to be aware of it, in order to change it.

If you had a friend or a child who was trying something new, would you 

  • give them the benefit of the doubt,

  • encourage them, 

  • refrain from judging them for their mistakes, 

  • and show them kindness instead? 

I think you would.

So I'm inviting you to do this act of kindness for yourself. 

What I know about earning your own income through your business is that 


None of the marketing for programs that promise to help you make six figures in your business, ever say, “This is really hard! There are lots of moving parts. You have to learn and grow a lot, and keep at it a lot, even when you’re discouraged and want to quit.”

In my experience, and that of my clients, having your own business is one of the fastest growth accelerators in the world. I would say being in an intimate relationship and being a mom also rank up there at the top with being a mom being the most intense and complex.

If you have a business, you are always having to grow - to change yourself and to be aware of yourself. It's not easy. So be kind to yourself. 

Appreciate yourself and what you are doing to move forward. 

Let the judgment go! 

Self-judgment is a learned behavior that doesn’t serve you well as you are growing yourself, your visibility, and your business.

Try out warm awareness and kindness to nurture your visibility this week. 

If you are finding that getting more visible in your business is a challenge, I invite you to talk to me in a free 30-minute consultation. 

All you have to do is go to to book a complimentary session.

I would love to talk to you about what’s going on for you and visibility with your business. I will ask you a few questions beforehand so that when we do get together, we can use our time as best as possible. 

If it seems like it would be a fit for us to work together, I will tell you about what that could look like. 

If not, I will share with you some resources that I think will help you. 

Women who take advantage of this offer tell me that the time is well worth it because of the clarity and motivation for forward movement they receive in our time together.

Thanks for reading and enjoy nurturing your visibility!

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