Your Value & Visibility

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You might be new to your business. You might think that you need to lose weight, but is that really going to change anything?

It might change the way you look on camera, or in a photograph, but is that going to really change you on the inside? No, not really.

I think one of the main challenges of being visible is owning your own value - knowing that you are enough right now, because you are enough. 

Where you are in your business will serve a certain group of people. As you progress in your business, you will serve a different group of people, and so on.

This is a growth process. It's not a perfection process. It's a growth process. 

When I was first in practice a long time ago as a therapist, I had a certain level of skill. I was still a rank beginner. There were people that I could serve from that position. 

As I got more and more experienced with my work, the way I could help people got broader, and so I attracted more people.

The same is true for you. 

So, I'm asking you: What microstep can you take today— that will show your value to yourself and allow you to be a little bit more visible? 

I'm not asking you to do something really big. I'm asking you to do something really little because action forward is going to prove to yourself the value that you have and it will improve your visibility. 

So maybe you actually post something on your blog. 

Maybe you send an email about that new program that you're offering. 

Maybe you call up a former client to see how she or he is doing and to see if what you're doing could help them in their life or career. 

Now you may say, “Well, that sounds kind of pushy.” 

I will tell you I have worked with many professionals who did a good job for me. Then I stopped going to see them either because COVID hit, it was inconvenient, or I didn't need their services anymore.

Do they ever call me up and say, “Hey, how are you doing? I haven't seen you in a while?” 

No. I've had one person email me, but no one has ever called me. 

Do you think that would warm up our relationship if they called me to check on how I am doing? I think so. 

That's my question to you:

What microstep will you take today to encourage yourself to know your value and to enhance your visibility?

Now, if that's something that you would like to pursue further, I'm going to be offering a free workshop on Zoom. 

The workshop is called Business Abundance with Adele, and we are going to talk about Value and Visibility on Wednesday, April 21st at 12 noon EDT. If you’d like to join me, go to to register for free.

You’ll do some thought work on your business and join a wonderful community of women business owners. In addition to some work on your own mindset, I’ll lead you through a guided imagery that I get rave reviews about.

I'd love for you to be there with us. If you can't join us live, you can register and I will be able to send you the recording. That's the only way you can get it. 

Until then, enjoy your value and your visibility, because you are valuable.

PS If you have a friend who would enjoy this free workshop, please tell her to register at!

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