How to Face Visibility

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How to Face Visibility

I've talked about the fears that we have about facing visibility, about really being the face of our business and showing up in our marketing, and in our sales process as someone who offers value, delivers value, and who wants to contribute to their clients. 

I've talked about what's at stake with visibility or staying invisible. Today I'd like to talk to you about some of the factors that I see that are required to face visibility. I don't want you to think that I've always been really willing to be visible, because I haven't. I told you the story about not wanting to be on camera or on videos. I made a 180 switch because I saw that I had to. 

That points to the first factor I want to share with you which is determination. Determination not to stay where you are, determination to take your business to a new level, and determination to evolve and to be the best you that you can be. 

Determination is one quality you must have in order to face visibility. 

I think the second factor is willingness to change. Now if you're like me, you would like everyone else to change instead you changing. Yeah, it didn't really work that way. Change is hard. During this pandemic we are going through a lot of change, and there's more to come. We are all going to have to adapt to it in one way or another, or not. But I think it's much harder if we're not willing to change. Being able to bring yourself to a place of willingness is the first step. 

You may say, I don't think I want to be visible. I don't think I want to face it, I'm too afraid. But are you willing, at least to entertain the idea of it? Because if you are, it will change you. It will change your business, and it will change your life. The willingness, because that means there's an open door to you being able to make some changes that you desire to make. That's the second factor. 

The third factor is support. I mentioned last time that we can't do this on our own. Anyone that you know and admire, whether it's a celebrity, a rock star, an actor, a politician, a poet, a writer, or an artist, they all have support in one way or another. They have support, they have people who believe in them. They have people who help them. They have people who help them carry out their dream. You may not have a team yet in physical reality, but you can find support through a coaching group working with the coach, or  by having a friend who's in a similar position that you are doing masterminding with them. 

There are lots of ways to get support but I do think that is the third factor in facing visibility so you know that you're not alone. You know that people are going to accept you, whether you make a misstep or not. You know that you're going to get through this. It's not going to kill you, to get visible.

I'd like to ask you to let me know how determined you are to take yourself and your business to a new level. How willing are you to change, and what kind of support do you have? Thanks for watching. I'll talk to you next time.