Let's Play a New Game

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What if I'm going to be judged?

What if I'm going to be thought of as pushy? 

What if I'm rejected?

Yep, that's where we go. So, in our mind could we turn that 180 degrees and see what difference that might make? 

What if, instead of feeling like you were going to be rejected, you felt like you were welcomed, like your message and your services were welcomed in the marketplace? 

By the marketplace, I mean, the online marketplace, the people that you've networked with in the past and hopefully we'll get to again in the future. 

What if you were welcomed? 

What if the services you provide were exactly what your ideal client needs?

What if you were the right personality, with the right experience, with the right offer for your ideal client?

How would that feel? 

What if you knew that you are learning about yourself as you serve others?

Again, it's not about perfection. It's about growth. It's about learning and growing and serving. That's what my clients are in the game for. 

Now, in the past, business has not been about that. Business has been about taking advantage, manipulation, and gobbling up resources. 

But there’s plenty of us on the playing field now that aren't playing that way. 

So, what kind of game do you want to play in your business? Do you want to play hide and seek? Because maybe that's what you're playing now. 

Do you want to play something else? What would business look like as a game if it were the perfect game for you?

Now, as I've said before, some people have an amazing ability to attract clients without marketing or selling. That's probably .01%. Not very many of us. Most of us have to market and sell. If you're like a lot of people I work with, that's not your first favorite thing to do. It's not, but it's necessary, so that you are known for what you do. 

You can help people with your gifts, and get compensated for your gifts. The service you provide a business really is about exchanging services and compensation, and many times in our world, it's about money. 

There is the Yen economy, the more feminine economy, which is more about bartering. We came from that a long, long, long time ago. People bartered for what they needed. They didn't have money, and then money came on the scene and money became very important. 

But if you're like most of the people I work with, you're not in the game for money. Yes, money is nice, money is necessary to keep your business open, but that's not why you're here. 

You're here to give your gifts, to grow, and to be in service. So, if that were the new game of business, what would that be like for you? Would that make being visible a little bit easier for you?

I invite you to entertain those questions. If you would like to take this further, please go to my website www.adelemichal.com. In the upper-right hand corner there's a pre-consultation offer. 

If you'll click on that and schedule a time that we can talk. I'll ask you a few questions, and we'll have a chance to talk for about 30 minutes with no obligation. If I can help you, I will tell you how and if I can't, I will give you whatever resources I have available. 

I hope you play a new game. Talk to you next time.

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