Posts tagged marketing
How Do You Stand Out?

How do you stand out in a marketplace that’s really busy, really noisy, and really crowded?

Today we are talking about Step 7 in how to create a clear and compelling message for your business, so that

· You stand out in the crowd,

· Your ideal clients can hear you,

· You attract the clients and the income you desire and deserve and

· You make the difference you want to make.

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What Challenges Transformational Entrepreneurs

Do you ever wonder what challenges your colleagues face every day? I sure do. So I thank everyone who responded to the survey I posted a couple of weeks ago. You may find their answers helpful to you just as I do.The most frequent responses are: How to make more money (about 75% of respondents and how to get more clients (about 58% of respondents). Does that surprise you? No, it doesn’t surprise me either.

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Do You Love the Game?

A few years back I worked with collegiate athletes at a well-known university on Mental Peak Performance.The kids were talented and well trained, and many were on scholarship for their sport. If there was a glitch in their performance, I was called in by their coach to help them get their mindset right so they could compete and win. Consistently, when I helped the student athlete erase the mental and emotional blocks that were upsetting his/her competitive performance and apply that to a sensation of winning, s/he began to excel. Some ran their best time in races, others began to win their competitions, and several became team captains and made Dean’s List for the first time in their college career.

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