Who Can You Be?

who can you be?

The first ever Abundance with Adele live workshop was a BLAST! It sold out and had standing room only attendance with great women business owners and service professionals learning how to bring more money into their businesses.

At the end I gave them the assignment to ask Expansive Questions whenever they feel stuck or frustrated about money. The most popular one was this:

"Who can I be to bring (put your desire here) into my business each and every month?"

Let's try it now. Think of a number that would feel so good to bring into your business on a monthly basis. Not too high, not too low - a stretch that would get you moving.

My figure is $8,000 per month. That would get me very close to 6 figures annual business income and would feel great! It definitely gets me moving.

So my question is, "Who can I be to bring $8,000 into my business each and every month?"

Plug your number in and ask yourself the question,

"Who can I be to bring ($             ) into my business each and every month?"

Notice what occurs to you like

•  Any new ideas about how to promote yourself and your business

•  Anyone you know come to mind to reach out to about your services

•  Any mindset shifts you need to make to earn that sum every month

I wrote about what occurred to me and the top 3 things for me are

  1. Make a plan based on my priorities and make wise choices about how to spend my time, energy, and attention based on what I want to achieve
  2. Realize that I chose to have my own business and can emotionally ride its ups and downs without freaking out or shutting down - keep showing up
  3. Follow the money and get great at tracking where it comes in and where it goes out - this is not a natural skill set or interest for me so I will get support to do this regularly and develop this skill

What occurred for you? I'd love to know in a post below.

PS    February’s Abundance with Adele is about getting More Clients in ways that are authentic and natural to you! If you would like to join us on February 28th at the Frontier, register for free here.

Feel free to bring a friend who would benefit too!

An Abundance with Adele participant said about the January workshop, “Wow! You have something very powerful here – a way to change how you feel and what you feel capable of doing in such a short period of time! I’m so glad I came to Abundance with Adele.”

If you would like to attend a workshop but cannot this month, sign up here to learn about future workshops.