Clearing Your Abundance Pathways - 2 Liberate Yourself

Clearing Your Abundance Pathways- 2 Liberate Yourself

Today we're talking about the hidden limiters that inhibit your abundance and your enjoyment of life.

They can be sneaky and run the show until you start noticing them. Then you can begin challenging and changing them.

Let's look at how you might be creating abundance ceilings with decisions made long ago and what to do about them. 

Video Highlights

1 - What you imagine, expect, and take action on will determine the results you get in your life. If you are inhibited in any of those aspects you are likely not accomplishing or enjoying all that you desire.

2 - It has been said that "what you can conceive, you can achieve". Where is that true in your life? Do you see it in your education, marriage, children, or career? It probably started with an idea and a desire that you imagined, expected could happen, and then took action on to bring into being.

3 - Often hidden limiters to abundance show up in your imagination, your expectations, and your sense of worthiness. How would you answer these questions?

  • Are you confident that all your needs will be met?

  • Do you feel worthy of wealth in all areas of your life - money, love, meaning, health, contribution?

  • Do you know you matter and can come first in your life?

4 - If you have any hesitancy answering those questions with an unqualified YES, you are not alone. Many women have been trained to serve others at the expense of their own happiness, well-being, and self-expression. This training can create the hidden limiters that suppress your abundance.

Think of something you would like to try and notice what you think when you consider doing it. You have to be quick to catch the limiting thought or feeling as it is the water you swim in. 

If you can catch the limiter and name it, you can begin to change it. As you notice a limiting thought or feeling, ask "Is this true?" "How do I know it's true?" "Do I have evidence that it's true?" You might find that you cannot prove that it is true. That opens the door for something new.

5 - It takes courage to change. What are you willing to name that limits you? When you are courageous enough to be willing to notice and name your limiter, you can begin to change it.

6 - Take a few minutes today to notice and name a limiter that is operating in the background of your life. Question it and expect a change to begin occurring.

That's it for today. I'll be back tomorrow to talk about your "Abundance Identity". Join me on Facebook Live at 1 pm EDT all this week at

P.S. If you missed yesterday's video on Trauma and Its Effects, it's HERE.