The Stress of the Unknown

The Stress of the Unknown

Are you feeling it? 

  • Not knowing what to expect? 

  • The inability to make plans you can count on coming to fruition? 

  • The disorientation of so much change?

Me too. Maybe you’re a bit like me and like to plan and know what to expect. 

Well, obviously COVID-19 has changed all of that.

It has invited us to 

  • Become more present to what is true right now

  • Release and shuck off the mental and emotional patterns that seemed to keep us safe, but in reality, were keeping us limited and less than fully expressed

  • Reach beyond our old ways of being and develop new abilities to deal with this very fluid and challenging on-going situation

Because the current state of our world is so changeable, we are required to find new resources within ourselves to cope and potentially to thrive as we build a new culture and economy. 

It may be years before we see the fruits of our labor completely revealed, but I for one truly believe that we will create something new and better than the unfair and unbalanced way of life that is crumbling around us. And we will grow and be transformed in the process.

In the midst of these tremendous changes, what ABILITIES can you call upon to become more resilient, resourceful, and abundant so that you can be strong, supported, and able to serve in your unique way?

If you are like most people I work with, you have an ability that you most likely overlook. It is not taught or encouraged in our logic-driven Western society. In fact, it is frowned upon, made fun of, and relegated to the bin of “woowoo” by many (and this really steams me!).

And yet is it real and backed by leading-edge science and ancient wisdom. It is your intuitive connection to all of life. I mean all of it - to the furthest reaches of the cosmos.

You were born with the innate ability to know what is not apparent to the five senses, and yet you are not encouraged to use it. It is your intuition - one of the greatest and most natural gifts you possess.

As you use your intuition to Communicate with Life Force and ask for and receive its help you are activating what I call Receiving Invisible Assistance.

I would like to help you access more of the unseen help that is available for you in all areas of your life, business, and how you experience abundance in my upcoming webinar, Receiving Invisible Assistance.

Why is knowing how to call in invisible assistance so critical at this time? Because you want to have all the help and resources you can get as you navigate the choppy waters ahead. 

You know that not all news sources are trustworthy and that your friends, family, and acquaintances have their own view of what is appropriate at this time. Their opinion does not equal what is right for you. It does not benefit you to act on others’ viewpoints without checking in with your own innate intelligence first.

Accessing help, guidance, and support from the Unseen is key at this time. I’d like to show you how to do that in a way that is fun, expansive, and comforting to you. 

My intention is to help you break through the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that keep you trapped in believing the physical world is where you must place your attention to affect change. It is not. 

Your power to create change comes from your inner ability to communicate with the invisible, to ask for help in ways that yield results, and to recognize help when it is offered to you.

If you join me for the webinar on Wednesday, June 3rd you will learn The Five Steps to:

  • Dismantle your true resistance to asking for more

  • Stop the automatic apology you make when asking for anything (this one piece alone completely blocks the flow of abundance)

  • Discover what you really need to be asking for and why

  • Receive more immediately without working harder and without guilt

  • Create an intimate relationship with the Invisible so that it’s available to you at any and all times, to help in all ways

Are you in? If you are ready to have a deeper, richer, and more resourced relationship with life and abundance, join me here to step into a world that is full of magic, miracles, and plenty.

P.S. This is for you if you are willing to open up to more abundance, guidance, and help and move past the mental constructs that have shut down your ability to create more of what you desire in life, business, and abundance (including money!). I won’t be selling anything on the webinar but inviting you into a deeper relationship with yourself, your intuition, and your power to co-create with life what is right for you at this time.