Love Bomb Meditation

Love Bomb Meditation

Today I want to talk to you about love bombs. 

What is a Love Bomb? 

I got this idea from something I saw on the internet allegedly from Albert Einstein entitled “A Letter From Albert Einstein to His Daughter.” says the letter is not really from Albert Einstein, but he could have said it, and in my opinion, he should have said this: 

“If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world, and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer. 

“Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, a device powerful enough to entirely destroy the hate, selfishness, and greed that devastates the planet.

“However, each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released.” 

I'm inviting you to meditate with love bombs today.

Please watch the video or read the article below. 

If you would like to download an audio version of the meditation itself, the link is here.

Why Meditation?

Research shows that meditation does change physical reality. A study done in Washington, DC with Transcendental Meditation shows that the crime rate went down while the meditators were meditating. 

I personally have used intention and meditation to help three different children go into remission from cancer, as well as help a variety of other people feel better physically, lighten their mood, and have more hope. 

Interview with Suzanne Lynch of

I've invited my friend and mentor Suzanne Lynch of to join me because she’s been meditating for a long time. 

I encourage you to follow her because she has helped me so much to develop some very healthy habits so that I'm in the best shape I've been in for years. Obviously that is really important right now, as we all deal with COVID-19. 

Adele: Suzanne, so glad to have you join me for this Love Bomb Meditation. I know you've been meditating for a long, long time. Every time I meditate with you, I feel renewed and refreshed, so thank you. 

Would you introduce yourself and let people know what you do?

Suzanne Lynch: I am so happy you invited me. 

In my work, I help people have more energy, I help them sleep better, I help them have a stronger, more resilient body. My belief is that meditation is one of the best things you can do for your physical body. 

I run a business called Suzanne Lynch Wellness. My signature system is a year-long course called Nourish Your Vitality. 

Adele: I’ve been a part of your course for over two years!

Suzanne: Adele, you have become more and more lovely and vital as you’ve been in the course. 

It's a lot of fun. We work to change habits that begin to create more health. 

One of the key habits that may be hard for people to understand is meditation. Meditation can be incredibly profound for your physical health, as well as your mental health and spiritual health. 

On all these levels, meditation is very, very profoundly helpful.

Adele: It affects other people, too, because we are all connected.

Suzanne: Yes, we are all connected. Often, we want other people to change. But when we begin meditating, and it becomes more of regular practice, miraculously, the people around us do change.

They might even say, “Hey, what are you doing? I want to do some of that, too.” 

That has certainly been true in my life. When we are starting with ourselves, creating more peace within ourselves, is really the bottom line.

Adele: Yes, and I believe we have so much more power than we think we do.

Suzanne: True, true. It's like, there are fields that we create. Maybe we have a field of anger or fear or whatever, but when we begin to meditate, our own personal field begins to shift more towards love and compassion.

Over time, it’s a process that happens. It can have a profound effect on our family, our community, our workplace. 

Adele: And on our world.

Suzanne: On our world, absolutely.

Adele: That’s what we’re doing here today.

Love Bomb Meditation

Close your eyes. Get comfortable in your seat.

Feel your sit bones on your chair.

Feel your body getting slightly heavier, slightly more relaxed. Feel your jaw loosening and becoming more relaxed, your torso, your legs, your feet, your hands, and your arms, releasing the tension in your neck and your shoulders. Even the little muscles around your eyes are starting to relax.

Now open up, in your imagination, the crown of your head, the top of your head, open up a portal, a gate, a window at the top of your head, and allow drops of Radiant Love to begin dropping into your body and your awareness.

As these drops begin to come in, they expand into every cell of your body. 

Your cells open up and receive them gratefully. They are refreshing and renewing. They’re enlivening to every cell of your body, all the muscles, all the glands, all the tendons, all the bones, every cell of your body is now receiving this radiant love. 

As you begin to fill up the body with Radiant Love, it begins to expand out into your energy field. That field of energy is about an arm's length away from you at most times and expands out an arm's length away above, below, and all around you for 360 degrees. You're now in a globe of light and the love is filling that globe up.

There is so much love streaming into you that it begins to make other globes of love. Soon you are ringed with globes of love that you can share with others. 

I call these Love Bombs because this is what changes our reality: the ability to share love, to see others in love, with love, and through the eyes of love.

Think of your loved ones that you would share these love bombs with, and let them make their way to those people, enclosing them encapsulating them, embracing them with these love bombs, so that they are surrounded by a globe of love and their body is penetrated with this love.

Now imagine that there are even more love bombs, and they move out into your community, encapsulating, embracing, encouraging others with this love globe, this globe filled with love.

Feel that settling in, and those who are ready to receive the love do so with grace and gratitude.

Now imagine embracing your country with love bombs.

There's so many of them that everyone and anyone who would like to receive a love bomb from you does so right now.

Now imagine the planet encapsulated, embraced, encouraged by a huge globe of love. Every sentient being, every plant, animal, human, rock, mineral, body of water, mountain and valley are embraced and held with this globe of love.

Love Bombs for Those Affected by COVID-19

Now we can get even more specific.

Allow your love bombs to go to those who are hard hit by the coronavirus. You may not know exactly who they are or where they are, but allow these love bombs to go to those people hard hit by COVID-19.

Now imagine that there are even more potent love bombs going to the health care providers and the service providers. The people who bring your mail, pick up your garbage and recycling, the people who work in pharmacies and grocery stores, imagine those people being encapsulated, embraced, and encouraged by these love bombs. 

They may not know you, but they will feel your impact. This is what they've been asking for today.

See our leaders on local, regional, and national levels and international levels being enclosed, encapsulated, encouraged to do the right things with these love bombs.

Let's imagine that the most vulnerable, the elderly, those with compromised immune systems, those who are alone, those who are without work, and feel they are without resources, the most vulnerable, shower them with love bombs, and see everyone coming through this, in their own way, in their own journey, with their own learning, in the best possible way.

Now bring your awareness back to yourself, to your body, and the globe of love around you. You may notice that there is a consistent and constant flow of love, through your crown, into your body, into your energy field.

Flame of Love

Imagine there's a Flame of Love that comes up through you, transforming everything that needs to be released and transmitting the love that you hold and the love that you are.

On the count of seven, we will seal that in, integrating on all levels, lifetimes, languages, resolving all the history, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually on the count of seven. 

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, integrating this love globe and your ability to share the love with everyone and everything on the planet. 

Feel that happen and know that it is true.

I'm going to ask you to gently come out on the count of five, and open your eyes, and we'll close the meditation. 

Coming Out

One, coming up slowly. Two, feeling the room around you. Three, feeling your energy come up, from your feet, into your legs, coming up your hips, torso, hands, arms, shoulders, neck, and head. Four, feeling clearheaded, alert, feeling very aware of the globe of love outside of you, and the flow of love within you. Five, eyes open, wide awake, feeling fantastic.

Thank you so much for your contribution. It is real. You can do this every day for yourself and for others, and it will make a difference. 

Adele: Thank you for doing that with me, Suzanne.

Suzanne: Oh, you’re welcome. Thank you so much for inviting me, Adele.

A Fact and a Request

I hope you enjoyed that and enjoyed meeting my friend Suzanne. She does some really great Facebook Lives about some very simple things you can do at home to boost your immune system, improve your sleep, and just get healthier. 

You can find her posts here.

Since I've been working with Suzanne for over two years, indeed, I am much healthier.

I want to end with a fact, and a request. 

The fact is that love, gratitude, and appreciation have been shown in a research study to boost your Immunoglobulin A, which is your body’s natural resistance to bacteria and viruses. 

If you do this meditation, it will not only help you. It will help everyone and everything on the planet and the whole situation that's going on right now because we are part of the fabric of life. We are all connected. 

If you have ever had a question about that, I think the COVID-19 is showing us all how connected we are. How a virus got from Wuhan, China to my community in just a few months is just amazing. We're all connected through this fabric, so sending love through the fabric will make a difference for everyone. That's the fact.

The request is, please do this as often as you can. Once-daily would be great. 

I will do that. I appreciate you're doing it with me because I know that it benefits people I care about and those you care about too. It benefits all of us. 

Remember, what you do and who you are matters, it makes a difference. 

You're not alone. 

You are more powerful than you think. 

Please let me know how you respond to this meditation!

Be well, and I'll talk to you next time.

P.S. If you would like to download an audio version of the meditation itself, the link is here.