Abundance Mindset: Body Code

Today we're going to talk The Body Code Book and APP.


This book is called The Body Code. It's by Dr. Bradley Nelson, who also wrote The Emotion Code.

The Body Code is a decision-making tree that helps you access the subconscious mind that knows everything that's going on with your mind, body, and spirit.

Your subconscious mind knows why you're holding back on making money or why relationships can be difficult or why your health is not what you would like it to be.

This book is written for lay people, just like you and me. You can take the Body Code course and get certified. I have not done that. I do know certified Body Code practitioners, but the book gives you all you need to know to get started using the Body Code for yourself and your family and friends. It teaches you how to muscle test to find out what the problem is and where to find it in the Body Code categories.

Dr. Nelson also has developed an app, The Body Code app, with the six main areas that problems arise in - energy, circuits or systems, toxins, pathogens, misalignment, and nutrition or lifestyle.

I wanted to  tell you about this book and work because it can help you you get places that you wouldn't get just by thinking about what is at the root of a particular challenge. I did the Body Code with a client earlier this week, and we found solutions that would not have normally occurred to either one of us. It was wonderful!

If this kind of approach to healing is of interest to you, I encourage you to get The Body Code book. You don't need the app, you can just use the book.

But if you're interested in going even further, you can get the app and learn more at https://discoverhealing.com/.

I think The Body Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson is a winner and you might enjoy it as well as benefit from it!