Abundance Mindset Its Not Your Money

How can you expand your mind so that you are aware of and accepting of even more abundance in your life?

Watch the Video or read the article and Enjoy!

Let’s talk about a book that I really love. It's called, It's Not Your Money by Tosha Silver.

You may know Tosha's other books - Outrageous Openness and Change Me Prayers. She also hosts a weekly call to talk about how to live fully from Divine Abundance.

What I love about this book is it's a very clear map of how to start cleaning up some of the limiting beliefs that you have about yourself and your worthiness to have money and abundance.

You can apply it to anything really - relationships, health, career. In the book she talks about money because it is a common denominator for everyone who lives in this culture. The book is not only a blueprint about how to move forward in expanding your abundance consciousness with very specific things to do like decluttering, tending to your inner child, and cutting cords to people that drain you, but it also introduces the concept that you're not alone in this world.

Tosha writes about a divine entity / a presence / an energy that works with you to help you move through your life growing and expanding in awareness.

Money, health, relationships, career - you can receive help in all those areas of your life. But you have to be aware of the assistance available, ask for help, and start surrendering the illusion of control. I don't know about you, but I am a recovering control freak. I think many of us are because we didn't feel safe growing up.

Maybe people fought about money or there was violence in your home. Perhaps you weren't safe and were abused. Children are very sensitive and take on other people's attitudes as their own and think they caused the problems in their home.

To reclaim your sense of safety and your relationship with the invisible energy and resources around you, this book is a great place to start.

If you're wondering what's underneath the surface of your struggles or why you feel you have to work so hard to have what you desire, read this book.

In Tosha's view, you're always working with the Divine within you and the Divine outside of you to allow to what's yours to unfold and become manifest. It can be easier and more magical than you have imagined.