Why Manifesting Abundance & Magic

I want to talk to you about why manifestation, why abundance, and why magic. Watch the Video or read the article and Enjoy!

Manifestation means to prove or to display.

In other words, I think of magic as bringing spiritual or energetic imaginings into reality.

As in, “Look, I manifested a hundred dollars!”

We all have that ability and the more we develop it and the more we allow it, the more it can come to us, our dreams and desires. I also think that we're co-creating with the universe and with the great plan for our life.

I may want to be a billionaire, but that's probably not gonna happen this lifetime. So that's not something that I necessarily have to desire or even have as a goal. But being abundant is a goal of mine. And I hope it is for you!

And why don't I just say manifesting money? Because we all like to have more money. Money is a form of exchange. It's a currency, it's an energy and it can be a blessing.

Abundance is a lot more than money. Abundance is the abundance of health and love and satisfaction, fulfillment, mission, purpose. I had a friend once tell me, “I don't like that word abundance. I like prosperity.”

Well, to me they mean the same thing - that you’re prosperous in many different areas of your life.

It doesn't mean you have to have a lot of things because we know that doesn't make you happy. It may make you happy getting it, but having to take care of it and store it and move it if you ever move, is not the most fun. And I've been moving around a lot lately, so I know that possessions can have a lot of meaning, but they also can be awaited.

And why magic? Magic comes from the Sanskrit word magh. It means your personal power.

So if we combine manifesting, abundance, and magic, we're talking about bringing the energetic truth of what you desire and what is for you into physical reality for abundance.

And it seems like magic sometimes. Have you ever had that experience where you didn't know how something was gonna happen, but you kept knowing that it would happen? Then it happened, and you didn't have to script it out, you didn't have to figure it out, it happened for you. That's magic. So the more the more you allow it, the more you feel deserving of it, and the more that you focus on it. That's how manifesting abundance and magic happens.

So why do you even want to be in that state of manifesting abundance and magic? It makes you more resourceful, makes you happier. It makes you freer, and you can be more generous. The more resources you have, the more generous you can be with yourself, your family, your community, and the great big world.

I am Adele Michal, and I will see you next time.