Where Does It Come From?

today we're going to talk about where do abundance and magic come from?

Watch the Video or read the article and Enjoy!

Magic and abundance don’t come from the physical plane. Many of us are very attuned to what we can see, hear, and touch. It seems very real to us. But the physical plane is not the source of what you experience in your life, it is the result of what’s happening on the energetic planes.

But if you talk to a quantum physicist about physical reality, they will say, ”Nope, it's all vibrating energy. It's all vibration. It's all energy. “

And if you were to slow down vibrating energy, it becomes physical - vibrating slower than on the energetic planes.

Attracting abundance into your life is actually you working with the energetic planes to call in, to align with, and to receive your desires and what is in your highest and best interests.

Attracting abundance and energy is an exchange, it's a flow. And how we participate in that exchange is with our mindset, our expectations, and our emotions. So many of us are very emotional beings. In Human Design over 50% of people are emotionally defined. That means half of us have an emotional wave to ride and we'll experience ups and downs.

And at some point we ride the emotional waves and get to the shore where we can make a decision that's not attached to our emotions. But sometimes we do make decisions and create expectations when we are highly emotional. So what that means is that past emotional experiences can trigger emotions and create expectations now. Those expectations can play out in the physical world.

So for instance, a friend who took me to dinner at a very nice restaurant for my birthday, and she had an expectation based on experiences in other restaurants.

She believed she did not get good service from female servers. I had been to this restaurant before, and I'd never had any problems with service. Our server was female, and we got terrible service. Nobody came around with water, nobody brought us menus, nobody brought bread.

My friend finally had to go to the hostess to ask what was going on. We got a male server at that point because she had complained.

My expectation was that we were gonna get good service, but hers was that we weren't. So we didn't until we got a waiter to help us. Her expectations were stronger than mine.

How you realize how you interact with abundance and magic is by looking at your mindset, your emotions, and your expectations. You don’t have to act on your emotions when you're not in a great place.

Alignment is important. As in aligning yourself, your mind, your heart, your body, your spirit with what you desire.

And focusing on that. That is so much harder than it sounds because negative thoughts and emotions can come in and distract you from focusing, “Oh, I'm feeling good. I'm feel like I'm connecting with abundance. I'm connecting with magic. I am abundant. I am magic.”

So just try this just for a minute.

Imagine inviting into your life, your body, and the energy sphere around you, the spirit of abundance. Invite it in.

Notice how that feels. Bask in it. Let it fill you up.

Now invite in the spirit of magic and notice how that feels.

A wonderful thing for you to do in the next few days is to remember to invite in the spirits of abundance and magic into yourself and your life.

Notice what happens with your mindset, your emotions, and your expectations. Notice what happens in your reality.

Here’s to your abundance and magic!