Family Stories

today we're going to talk about family stories. Watch the Video or read the article and Enjoy!

What was your family story about abundance, about magic, about money?

If you go back 10 generations up your family tree that is the possibility of more than 1,024 people that you are descended from. That means that you have inherited over 1,024 stories about money.

Was money scarce, was money available?

Many of us who came to the United States, many of our family came for more opportunity. In the old country, there was war or famine or serfdom. Some of us came as slaves and had to build out of that.

We all have a heritage of stories about money. For instance, I have a friend who is of Irish descent. Because of the potato famine and the destitution there, she has a very, very different outlook on money than I do. My family wasn't from Ireland, they were from England, Scotland, Wales, France, and we're obviously white. So we had a much different experience than my black friends who came to this country as slaves or indentured servants.

What's your family story about money? It has been proven that we actually do inherit those stories through our DNA as well as through the family stories that are told.

For instance, my relatives who came to this country pretty early on and were very fortunate. And because they were in America early, they were able to accrue a lot of land and a lot of wealth.

Well, that's no longer true. We don't have that wealth, plantations or big houses anymore. We're more working middle class, which is great.

We are quite fortunate to have had the wonderful opportunities here, but that early wealth has gone away.

What about the stories that the people who raised you told?

Did they fight about money?

Did they have a negative attitude about money?

Did they tell you that rich people are bad?

Were they restrictive with money? I know for me, my mother was. I didn't get an allowance. I didn't get a whole lot of opportunity to explore the consequences of having and spending money.

I wasn't taught a whole lot about money. Both my mother and father worked and were good with money. They thought I was gonna get that through osmosis.

I didn't really, so my relationship with money has been very different. I thought I was being bad because I wasn't really very good with money. I've gotten a lot better because I've educated myself, and I've changed my mindset about money and my worthiness, but it's still not the easiest thing in my life so I keep learning and growing.

Were your family's stories expansive or restrictive?

Did you have a strict religious upbringing where you weren't supposed to have money or it was forbidden and taboo to be wealthy?

Did you have a cultural upbringing where you were conditioned that maybe as a woman you weren't as valuable as a man that you weren't supposed to receive as much? You were supposed to be a servant, not a receiver.

Or were you born into a culture and a family where you saw a lot of destitution, a lot of poverty that shaped your relationship with abundance and magic and worthiness?

And what about if things are too easy? You know, magic can happen quickly and it can seem like you don't have to work very hard for it. And that's not because manifestation has to be hard. It's because you have to be lined up with it. Your desires and your feelings about what you deserve have to be lined up with what you're imagining you'd like to have happen.

In truth, they are all stories - movies in your mind that can be changed.

That's what I'd like you to think about today. See you next time!