Delusions of Mediocrity

This past summer I took Unblock Your Profits with Melissa Ternes. In this online course, Melissa led us through exercises to change patterns to allow more clients and money into our business.

What were we changing?

The stories we tell ourselves about money, success, and worthiness.

During one of the exercises, I saw so clearly an old, old pattern - staying mediocre. This hidden story was in place so I didn't stand out, make someone mad, and get criticized or hurt.

It was so obvious to me that I was living "Delusions of Mediocrity".

I mean, who was I to be brilliant, stellar, outstanding?

In Australia, this is called the "Tall Poppy" Syndrome. If you get too "uppity", others will call you down and put you in your place.

We see it all the time. In the tabloids, the headlines build up someone just to tear them down next month.

This realization was stunning, and it did not make me happy.

Because I know I can do, experience, and achieve more than mediocrity.

Perhaps you can relate.

Human beings are programmed to grow, evolve, and transform.

When you don't do that, you get antsy, unhappy, and frustrated.

The baffling aspect of this kind of frustration is that the causes are hidden in the stories you tell yourself.

They may be your stories, they may belong to your family, they may belong the culture you grew up in. They hide from plain sight because they occurred before you had the ability of critical and a broad use of language.

These hidden stories of mediocrity or "you can only be, do, and have so much" are inherently debilitating for human beings.

And there are ways to change these stories.